PR work

The press office of the Main Association of the German Wood Industry (“Hauptverband der deutschen Holzindustrie”- HDH) carries out successful PR work for many associated regional and trade associations of the HDH family and as a service provider for other external associations. In total, the press office achieves an annual circulation of print media of almost one billion copies. In addition, it has an extensive presence in online media and regular reports on the radio and television – for example, annually concerning all aspects of the international furniture trade fair in Cologne.

The HDH press office in Bad Honnef-Rhöndorf near Bonn has six experienced press spokespersons and editors, who are directly responsible for the PR work for nine associations based in Rhöndorf and for seven other associations. In addition to the HDH as the umbrella association, they include the Association of the German Furniture Industry (Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie - VDM) and the Federal Association of German Prefabricated Construction (Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau - BDF); as well as the Association of the German Parquet Industry (Verband der Deutschen Parkettindustrie - vdp), the Veneer + Nature Initiative (Initiative Furnier + Natur - IFN), the Federal Association of Interior Fixtures and Finishes, Unitised and Off-Site Construction (Bundesverband Innenausbau, Element- und Fertigbau - BIEF), the Federal Quality Association for Industrialised Building and Offsite Housing (Bundes-Gütegemeinschaft Montagebau und Fertighäuser - BMF), the Offsite Basement Construction Quality Association (Gütegemeinschaft Fertigkeller - GÜF) and the Federal Association of Undertaker Supplies (Bundesverband Bestattungsbedarf). Finally, the press office also provides support services for the Modern Kitchen Workgroup (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Moderne Küche - AMK), the German Furniture Quality Association (Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel - DGM), the Windows + Facade Association - Verband Fenster + Fassade (VFF), the Federal Sheet Glass Association (Bundesverband Flachglas - BF), the Federal Association of Wooden Packaging, Pallets and Export Packaging (Bundesverband Holzpackmittel, Paletten, Exportverpackung - HPE), the Pro Solid Wood Initiative (Initiative Pro Massivholz - IPM) and the Wood Block Flooring Association (Fachverband Holzpflaster).

Each year, the HDH editors issue several hundred reports, which are published by the business press, news media such as news agencies and daily newspapers, trade and consumer magazines, advertisers and online services. Current events and information such as economic figures and the latest home and furnishing trends and continuous association and industry-related topics provide plenty and varied breeding grounds for fruitful press and PR work. The press office works this ground systematically. High print figures and publications in popular media substantiate the quality of the reporting in texts and images and successful continuous maintenance of the HDH press network. All publications are documented for the purpose of performance monitoring.

The press office is a link and intermediary between associations, their member companies and the press. It arranges reciprocal visits, portrays and interviews interesting businesses and is always a well-informed contact for all issues and topics of the industry and the PR work field of expertise. It organises regular press trips for journalists, who first-hand insights into interesting wood, furniture and offsite housing industry companies. Background discussions, editorial visits and press conferences are among the other activities of the HDH press office. For the future it has set itself the task of continuously developing the reporting and in this way help to achieve a significant presence and large effect of its associations in the public arena.

Interested journalists can register to be added to the HDH press circulation list and in this way always receive the latest news. In this way they keep up-to-date on all the important wood industry topics.